Darshan Museum
Sadhu Vaswani Mission, Pune
The spiritual leader Sadhu Vaswani led an exemplary life. The events of his biography were filled with the moral message of his teachings. For this reason, his successor Dada Jashan’s deepest desire was to create a museum that would communicate his life to a greater public.
When Design Habit began work on the museum, we realised it was a perfect space to craft a truly immersive experience. By blending sets with films and installations, we could create a cinematic experience in space and bring Sadhu Vaswani’s message to life.
For scriptwriting, cinematography and music, we brought on Bollywood professionals for just the right combination of emotion and drama. In immersive settings, the Sadhu’s biography unfolds over a series of three to five minute episodes. The entire experience takes 90 minutes to complete, guiding visitors through every part of Sadhu Vaswani’s life.
This innovative approach to a biographical museum has been enthusiastically received by visitors and today is one of the top sites to visit in Pune.